[!] wonapi-19.09.22 Added 'Binance.US', 'Restart' function


"Binance.US": { "@version": "v1", "@symbol,target^base": "BTC^USD, ETH^USD, XRP^USD, RVN^BTC,,," },
"@main_font_size":"11",  "@monitor":"1",
"@main_left":"800",  "@main_top":"200",  "@main_width":"340",  "@main_height":"250",
"@sub_left":"600",    "@sub_top":"250",    "@sub_width":"340",    "@sub_height":"600",
"@right_top":"on",    "@right_bottom":"off", "@left_top":"off",        "@left_bottom":"off",

All modules are released without using onefile. onefile wasn't actually a single file; it was extracted at every run.
The files in the folder are complex, but much more stable.
You will need to back up your configure file and fonts separately.

Added restart function to "Conf" configuration.
I expect it to be very useful.
